Course Overview - Undergraduate
Very different from the high school curriculum which is pretty much fixed, the B.S. in Computer Science is a broad and highly flexible (four-year) degree. The program is structured to provide students a rich and comprehensive view of the profession, while having the smallest set of constraints. CS’s curriculum comprises mathematics and science; general education (humanities, social sciences, and fine arts); computer science core, breadth, and coverage requirements; as well as free electives. By enabling multiple paths through our program, we can accommodate students with different backgrounds, interests, skills, and career goals. With the flexible requirements, the students can customize and configure their programs to meet their objectives and particular career goals. The students can make their college life colorful by adequately selecting courses and productively using their free time.
Multi-Dimension of Computer Science and CS Curriculum Flowcharts
The field of computer science encompasses a remarkably diverse and fertile set of technological areas. To give an overview, these flowcharts organize all CS courses into “like areas”, including theory and algorithm, computer network, system software, IC design, and multimedia and image processing.

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